This website was designed to look good when viewed with web browsers that offer good support for modern web standards. Such browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari.
When viewed with other web browsers, it may not look as cool and sophisticated as it should, but at least you will able to read it (or listen to it) - it is accessible to anyone.
This is the difference between designing websites using open standards and designing websites for a specific web browser: Websites designed for specific browsers are generally inaccessible to everyone who doesn't use those specific web browsers. That's bad.
If you are not using a web browser with good support for modern web standards, for example if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, then please download and try out one of the browsers above (Firefox is free!) and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Alternatively, you may just dislike the colours or design of my website, even when viewed using a modern web browser. But I don't see how that could be possible.