Herein lies some stuff.


Rhythmweb - a web site for your Rhythmbox.


Azure - a weblog client for your phone, PDA, and other Java J2ME CLDC/MIDP 1.0 device.


Republic - the tool used to publish this web site.


SWars is a multi-player, multi-platform, science-fiction strategy game. It is a "port" of FASA Corp's out-of-print board game, Succession Wars but is still in development. If you want to see what it looks like or want to help out, have a look at the SWars homepage.

Btech Btech is a project to develop free applications and programming libraries for players and fans of Battletech.

Other stuff

URIResolverImpl is a simple javax.xml.transform.URIResolver implementation for XMLDB databases, such as Xindice. It is intended to be an example only of a URIResolver implementation, and is not production-quality code.

Old, scary things.

The VNet Class Library. A whole bunch of useful (for me) Java components, including some of the applications below and Yet Another Web Backend (YAWB). The library is GPL'ed, so you too can use them in your next project. Old. Unmaintained.

Here's some applications I wrote in Java and which I use for some specific tasks. I'll update them when I need to, so don't expect any new releases unless you email me with a feature request.

The Bovine RC5 Challenge. Once upon a time, I had a team in that was in the top 400. Then the wheels fell off. If you have some serious spare computing power to lend, drop me a line..